Huge mistake.
Upon receiving free passes from Josh's mom, we figured we'd finally give it a shot. (If it's free, it's for me, right?)
I'm so glad I'm a cheapskate because words really can't express how beautiful this place is!

A three story waterfall serves as a centerpiece to the rainforest under the massive glass dome. This lush rainforest provides a home for tons and tons and TONS of butterflies!

You can't not find a butterfly at this place - they're everywhere! I don't think there's a square foot that's not occupied by at least 2 butterflies at any given time. I think my previous butterfly garden reluctance was due to another garden I'd been to many moons ago and my 7 year old self was highly disappointed when the butterflies were basically nowhere to be found. A let-down indeed.
I was especially lucky that day, though - one landed square on my head!

He was a cool guy...

We hung out a surprisingly long time before he had to go. He said had to meet his publisher for coffee and then get his kid from daycare. He was a sweet guy.

Anyway, if you're ever in Houston, this is the absloute best place to go. You won't forget it!

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